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Thrive Medical, in collaboration with Benson Radiology, provide a medical imaging service for patients and health professionals in Broken Hill and surrounding areas.

Benson radiology was formed in 1958, and is one of the nation’s largest private diagnostic imaging providers, with a well-deserved reputation as a leader in medical imaging. Benson’s currently operates 24 branches across South Australia in public hospitals, private hospitals, and stand-alone private clinics.

Thrive Medical’s team of experienced imaging professionals are committed to providing the highest quality diagnostic imaging services, utilising the latest technology, in a caring and compassionate environment.



Thrive Medical currently offers a wide range of interventional radiological procedures.
With the benefit of imaging guidance, interventional radiology involves the use of minimally invasive and highly targeted procedures that provide referring clinicians and patients with many treatment options for a wide range of conditions.

Just some of our interventional procedures include:

  • Hyalonuric gel joint injections
  • Bursal injections of the shoulder
  • Lumbar spine injections for pain relief
  • Biopsies of superficial structures such as the breast and thyroid


Fast becoming one of our most popular procedures, Euflexxa is used to help relieve pain due to osteoarthritis in patients who do not achieve adequate results with simple pain relief medication. It works by supplementing the hyaluronic acid that naturally lubricates the joint. This procedure is bulk-billed and is intended to relieve pain and stimulate production of normal, non-inflamed joint fluid whilst increasing mobility.

CT imaging is used to accurately locate the area to be injected and to guide the needle and a Radiologist (specialist imaging doctor) will position the needle within the affected joint and inject the medication. The process will be repeated over a course of 3 appointments, 1-2 weeks apart. The maximum effect of the injection is evident 8 weeks post 1st injection.

After receiving an injection of hyaluronate, you should avoid any activities that put stress on your joint (such as physical activity, heavy lifting, standing on your feet for more than an hour) for 48 hours. Mild to moderate temporary pain may be present at the injection site along with minor associated skin bruising. Infection is rare; if you develop a fever with joint pain, swelling, redness and warmth post injection in the week following, please seek immediate medical attention.


Thrive Medical’s imaging department houses a 1.5T Siemens MR machine and offers a wide range of MRI examinations including brain, spine, joint, prostate, liver and pelvic studies.

We bulk bill all Medicare eligible MRI studies and make every effort to keep waiting lists to a minimum.

A standard MRI examination takes approximately 40–60 minutes although some are as quick as 15 minutes. During the MRI scan, the patient lies on the scanner table with the part of the body to be examined positioned in the scanner’s gantry. Patients can hear a noise as the MRI images are obtained but will not be touched by any moving parts and there should be no discomfort. A continuous tapping sound occurs during the scan, and you will be offered earplugs for hearing protection.

Patients who have had recent surgery, or any metallic devices, implants or other material within the body MUST notify their physician prior to the examination and inform our staff.

Please ensure you advise our booking staff if you have a pacemaker, cochlear implant, or another surgical device in your body when you book, or if you have ever been exposed to metallic foreign bodies around your eyes. If you are pregnant, you must inform our staff prior to your examination.


Thrive Medical also offers a wide range of CT services at no cost to the patient.

A CT scan is a medical imaging procedure that uses digital technology and X-rays to produce cross-sectional images. A CT scanner looks like a large doughnut attached to a flat table that moves through the middle of the doughnut. The scanner is quiet, and the procedure is painless. Some patients will require an injection of contrast or dye.

This non-invasive test is used for a range of purposes. It is important to tell the CT technician if you are pregnant or have any allergies.


Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD) or dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) uses a narrow x-ray beam to assess the amount of calcium that is in your bones. It is also used to measure changes in bone density over time. The x-ray dose is extremely low.

Bone Densitometry is primarily used to diagnose osteoporosis and to assess the response to treatment for osteoporosis. During the examination, you will be resting comfortably on your back. An x-ray generator will be below you and a narrow detector arm will pass above your body. Our radiologist (specialist medical imaging doctor) will review and report on your imaging.


Total body composition scans provide a wealth of information about a person’s body composition, including improved health, better fitness tracking, and more accurate body fat measurements. Whether you are an athlete, fitness enthusiast, or simply looking to monitor your overall health, total body composition scans can provide valuable insights and help you reach your goals.

Total body composition scans are a cutting-edge technology that provides an in-depth analysis of a person’s body composition. By measuring various components of the body, such as bone density, muscle mass, and body fat, total body composition scans can provide valuable insights into a person’s overall health and fitness. Total body composition scans can have many benefits, including better fitness tracking, and more accurate body fat measurements.


Ultrasound is a widely used and effective tool for examining a variety of body areas and organs. It doesn’t use any ionizing radiation and works by sending high frequency sound waves into the body through a handheld probe or transducer.

We use the latest imaging ultrasound systems providing enhanced image quality for medical diagnosis in a wide range of areas including abdominal, obstetrics and gynaecology, vascular, musculoskeletal, and other soft tissue areas of the body. 

Our sonographers and radiologists are highly trained and experienced in all facets of ultrasound imaging. We have female radiographers and sonographers sensitive to the needs of female patients.


A mammogram is an x-ray examination of the breast. It is particularly useful in the early detection of breast cancer and for monitoring any changes within the breasts. Regular mammograms are recommended for patients over the age of 45 or for anyone with a symptom.

In addition to traditional mammography, Thrive Medical also provides the latest in tomosynthesis (or 3D mammography), which acquires images of the breast from different angles to allow for a 3D digital reconstruction.

To obtain a clear image of the breast tissue, the breast needs to be compressed for a few seconds. In some cases this may cause some minor discomfort, but is necessary for an accurate diagnosis.

We recommend you wear two pieces of clothing so only your top half is exposed. We also require you to remove any powder or deodorant before having your scan as it may affect the quality of your images.


An x-ray is an image produced using low dose radiation. This type of imaging is most used to assess bones as well as some internal organs including the lungs, heart and bowel.

Unless a more complex investigation is required, plain x-rays are generally very quick and don’t cause any discomfort.

There is usually no need to make an appointment for an x-ray and no preparation required. You may be asked to change into a gown.

Frequently Asked Questions About Imaging

Medicare guidelines are as follows:

“Requests for diagnostic imaging services must have:

  • the requesting practitioner’s full name, provider number or practice address
  • the date of the request, and
  • a description of the services requested

Patients can choose a provider and don’t need to give a request to a specific practice. This also applies to electronic requests.”

We bulk-bill all Medicare-eligible examinations. Bulk billing means no gap payment and no unexpected out of pocket expense. Where a scan is not Medicare eligible, payment will be required at the time of your appointment.

Appointments usually covered by Medicare include:

  • Most diagnostic X-rays, CT scans, Ultrasound scans, where referred by a GP
  • Some MRI scans, where referred by a GP (please see list further below)
  • Interventional Pain Treatments, where referred by a GP
  • Some treatments referred by physiotherapists, chiropractors and podiatrists

Please bring your doctor’s referral form, your Medicare card and any previous X-rays, scans, reports and films each time you visit us. 

While preparation varies with the type of examination, most examinations do not require any preparation. Our friendly staff will advise you what preparation is required, such as fasting, when you make your appointment. You are welcome to ask questions regarding your examination at any time.

Your scan results are treated with strict confidentiality. Our radiologist, sonographer or imaging technician will talk to you before, during and after the examination, but may not be able to give you precise information about your condition prior to the finalization of the written report.

We will usually issue your final report within 48 hours and send the results to your referring doctor and you should always discuss your results with your doctor.