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The doctors at Thrive Medical provide empathetic and caring treatment for community members of all ages.

General Medical Services


We have Registered and Enrolled Nurses who assist with surgical procedures, care plans, health assessments and wound management.


We offer a range of men’s health consultations including:

  • Blood pressure
  • Diabetes risk assessment
  • Heart health checks
  • Immunisations
  • Injuries
  • Mental health
  • Obesity
  • Prostate cancer screening


We offer range of women’s health consultations including:

  • Breast examinations
  • Eating disorders
  • Family planning
  • Fertility advice
  • Menopause
  • Mental health issues
  • Pregnancy care
  • Post pregnancy care
  • Pap smears
  • Weight management.


Pre-employment medical assessments are a risk management tool used to provide an indication if an individuals capacity to  perform a job safely and effectively.
Thrive is able to offer comprehensive and detailed pre-employment medical examinations, pre-placement and periodic medical assessments.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Reduction in workplace injuries
  • Minimised downtime
  • Matching the capacity of the employee with the functional requirements of the  role
  • Overall recruitment cost and risk reduction


Thrive is able to provide an onsite service including General Practitioner, Radiographer, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist and Nurse to perform the following tests:

  • Chest Xray
  • Audiometric and spirometry testing
  • Lead screening
  • Musculoskeletal assessment
  • Medical assessment


An electrocardiogram records the electrical signals in your heart. It’s a common and painless test used to quickly detect heart problems and monitor your heart’s health.


Audiometric Tests are done in accordance with AS1269.4:2014 standards can be performed either onsite by Thrive  at your nominated site location or in our clinic.

Audiometric Testing is recommended within 3 months of the worker commencing work, or during the pre-employment medicals.  A follow up- Audiometric tests (monitoring) must be carried out every 2 years to comply with legislation.  If noise exposure is greater than 100 dB(A) then more frequent audiometric testing (eg every 6 months) is recommended.


We are able to perform pre and post spirometry testing.  Spirometry, is a common type of pulmonary function test used to evaluate respiratory health. It measures how well a person can move air in and out of their lungs and the capacity of their lungs.

Lung function is an important consideration for workers who are exposed to respiratory hazards, dusty environments or are required to wear respirators.


GP Management Plans are designed for patients who have complex conditions that require ongoing care, and a structured approach.
Your GP will determine if a plan is appropriate for you.
We offer care plans to all eligible patients who suffer from a chronic illness with little or no cost to the patient.
Patients are asked to book an appointment with their GP first to determine if they are eligible, and then an appointment will be made with the Practice Nurse who will complete the care plan.


Our doctors provide a number of different surgical procedures including skin cancer removal, skin biopsy, skin graft and skin flaps, toenail resections, suturing, as well as family planning contraceptive device insertions.


Our doctors at Thrive Medical  have experience with WorkCover and occupational health
issues. If you or your employee gets injured at work our doctors can assess, treat and issue
WorkCover NSW – Certificates of Capacity.

Our doctors understand the significant costs both economically and emotionally that a work related injury is to the employee and the employer. All our work injured patients will be treated under evidence based medical guidelines to assist in the full recovery  recovery of our work injured patients to attain

​Our doctors understand the importance of communication and will communicate with the assigned return to work coordinator for the company via email, or via telephone in regards to your employees injuries, the outcome of the consultation and appropriate return to work plan.

X-Rays and Ultrasounds are available for our injured patients at Thrive Medical.  Instant x-ray and ultrasound images can be view by our doctors once they have been taken. Specialised tests such as Magnetic Resonance Imagings, Computed Tomography and subject to approvals from the insurer can be organised on the same day if clinically indicated


The Basic Fatigue Management and Advanced Fatigue Management standards require that drivers undergo regular health assessments to make sure they meet the medical criteria for commercial vehicle drivers contained in Assessing Fitness to Drive, with a particular focus on aspects such as sleep disorders, substance abuse etc. Assessments must be carried out three yearly for drivers below the age of 50 and yearly for those 50 and over.
In addition to health assessments, the standard also sets out a range of measures to support drivers’ health.
To comply with the standards, heavy vehicle operators must ensure drivers attend for assessments and are certified fit to drive.
The Assessing Fitness to Drive standards are also the basis of health assessments conducted under the Australian Trucking Association TruckSafe scheme.
For heavy vehicle operators needing more information about Assessing Fitness to Drive standards for commercial vehicle drivers, visit the Austroads website.


As part of our commitment to the health of our local community, we can provide management plans to patients who suffer with a chronic medical condition.
A chronic medical condition is one that has been present for at least six months or longer, such as:

  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Stroke


Thrive Medical currently have a number of visiting specialist, both attending the practice on a monthly basis and seeing clients through Telehealth consultants.